S Submit solution

The SIPP is intent on gathering information about various solutions on industrial parks and special economic zones to draw from the best practices of successful solutions in order to facilitate replication and scaled up.

To submit your good practice/solution please complete below details:
Name( Contact person)

Good practice/Solution profile:

(Please provide an overview of the context (initial situation) and challenge being addressed in relation to industrial parks)
(Please provide descriptions of the best practice/solution provided (in relation to industrial parks) including objectives, methodology used, targeted beneficiaries, implementing partners, innovativeness, sustainability, etc.).
(What is the impact and the usefulness of the good practice? What are the key messages and lessons learned to take away from the good practice experience?)
(Please include training manuals, guidelines, technical fact sheets, video and audio,  documents, and photos created and developed in relation to the good practice (If any))
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png.

Contact us

UNIDO cross-disciplinary team on industrial parks (CDTIP)

Vienna International Centre




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